Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Army shows discipline once again ...

Ted Nugent wants to exercise his First Amendment Rights and that is fine, he is now learning that there are consequences for the content of rhetoric.  Good for the United States Army ....


Monday, April 30, 2012

Charleston Gazette Editorial-- lots of truth here ....

There is a very clear choice in America.  One side is on the side of people and the other side is on the side of the Wealthy and a Military State.  Which side are you on?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is valuable?

Since the dawn of Civilization, mankind has monetized its existence.  I guess the reason was to ensure that everyone participated in the economy and to set up a scoring system to disseminate the Royals and the Peasants, lol.  But in all actuality, age and experience has taught me that there is only one valuable commodity in life and that is time.  No matter how wealthy you become, everyone is going to die, it is the great equalizer.  Thus, if you spend all your time gathering wealth, then I am sure that your heirs will be soooo grateful, :), put me in your will too!!!!  

Since I have gained the insight that the only valuable resource that a person actually has is time, I have tried to spend mine doing the things that I love doing.  And spending it with people that I really want to be with.  In the immortal words of Todd Rundgren, Love Is The Answer ........

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Returned to my old ways .....

Last night, I returned to one of my prior professions, lol.  I DJ'd a party for the WVEA.  It was a blast and a good time was had by most.  I love music and entertaining people.  But, Corporate Parties like this one and Weddings are the toughest gigs.  That is because there is usually such a disparity in the ages of the partiers. Last night, the group ranged from 25 years to 62 years and each age group only wants to hear their music, lol.  Anyways, I played all their music and got lots of thanks after the night was over.  I rocked them all, once again!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Politics of Elections

America was founded around a concept of Freedom.  To ensure that liberty and freedom would always be in place, the Nation's founders deemed that our Leaders should be elected.  That would seem a fail safe way to ensure that the greater good would always be maintained and keep away the wolves of despotism or concentrated power.  Modern day technology and determined fringe elements has changed the dynamics of that formula substantially.  In the 2004 election cycle, a Pennsylvania Republican spent 4.5 million dollars to win a seat in the House of Representatives.  That has become the status quo.  President Obama raised 100 MILLION dollars in March, 2012 to win reelection.  And Mitt Romney and his PAC's has spent tens of millions of Dollars vanquishing primary foes.  The problem with the whole concept is that money is NOT free.  It comes from people that expect something in return.  I think Governor Walkers telephone conversation with that "Koch" brother sums up the problem in a nutshell.  

So, who is winning in this race for power?  Well, if you look at all the data and all the stats, there is only one group that has been winning since 1980.  That is the wealthiest Americans.  Their share of the Nations wealth has grown as follows:

In 2007, this was how the wealth stacked up:

Source- William Domhoff

Obviously, the balance of power has shifted from the American Middle Class to the new Super Wealthy.  They have maintained this grip by buying politicians and our news outlets.  Fox News has blinded the masses with divisive talk about Social Issues, the owner of Fox- Rupert Murdoch, is a Billionaire that is now in trouble for many sins committed in the British Empire (including buying the Police and the Politicians).  

The perfect example of what I am saying goes back to the 2000 election.  The Supreme Court of the United States awarded the Presidency to George W. Bush, he took Office even though Al Gore got more popular votes than Mr. Bush did.  During that election cycle, Mr. Bush and his Republican counterparts that were running for Congressional seats, thumped the Bible and talked about the ills of America's soul.  They showed up at anti abortion rallies and ridiculed President Clinton for sexual misconduct.  Fox News ran story after story during that cycle about America's social problems.  The American People rewarded the rhetoric by giving the Republicans the House of Representative and the Senate, a Republican Controlled Supreme Court gave them the Presidency.  So, the R's controlled EVERY facet of Government at that point and could have done ANYTHING that they wished.  

You would have thought that their wish list (given the Campaign rhetoric) would have been to 
(1) Outlaw abortion; (2) Step up enforcement of Border Laws and sending illegal immigrants home by the thousands; (3) Putting prayer back in school, etc.  

Now, what did they do?  They passed massive tax breaks for the Wealthy and did not even introduce a SINGLE bill related to the social issues that they were so intense about in the election, lol.  They also eliminated the Inheritance Tax and that means that the Super Wealthy will keep their wealth no matter what happens.

The greatness of America has been totally won by the blood and sweat of the Middle Class.  The Middle Class is dying and when it does ..... so will America. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012